Enhancing the efficiency of an axial impulse turbine with a diffuser
Oscillating Water Column, Wave Energy, Impulse turbine, Self-Rectifying TurbinesAbstract
In oscillating water column wave energy converters, the aerodynamic losses caused by flow misalignment between the rotor outlet and the outlet guide vane of self-rectifying impulse turbines are a significant design problem. The symmetrical positioning of guiding vanes on both sides of the rotor is the reason for it. In comparison to the equivalent Wells turbine, the efficiency of impulse turbines is lower because of these losses in the outlet guide vane. This paper presents a strategy to develop an
improved design of an axial impulse turbine to reduce the losses in the outlet guide vane along with the residual kinetic energy loss by integrating a diffuser between the rotor and guide vanes. The proposed model was investigated numerically using RANS simulations. Multiple diffuser geometries were tested against the reference turbine for comparison of the performance characteristics. The results support the hypothesis behind the proposed design. The performance was compared extensively with the reference case in terms of the dimensionless loss coefficients for a better insight into the contribution of all the turbine sectors. The current work shows a possible design path for the performance improvement of the turbine. Results also support the fact that the guide vanes need to be
redesigned for obtaining maximizing efficiency with the proposed design. The losses in the outlet guide vane were reduced by approximately 50% with an overall efficiency rise of around 2%.
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